#31 – This One’s For My Friends
Although I hope none of them are reading this blog. It just makes me feel better to put it out there...
Read MoreAlthough I hope none of them are reading this blog. It just makes me feel better to put it out there...
Read MoreWhat feels like a million years ago, I had a super special friend in my class. He was sweet, shy and very smart. After a few months together I was convinced that my friend was probably somewhere on the spectrum, but at that...
Read MoreFriends, we have made it to the last Friday in January! (Feel free to cheer.) As my final post-related List Mania, I thought I would subject you to treat you to a grouping of my favorites. These are the posts that make...
Read MoreSo, I know I've been linking to tons of articles lately and I promise to get back to the usual hilarity of the classroom, but just too much has been going on. My little brain is on fire and my eyes are bleeding from...
Read MoreYesterday, one of my loyal readers and commenters, Institutrice Teacher sent me a link to the following article that suggests young girls may develop a fear of math as a result of their former female teachers' personal lack of confidence in math. My initial...
Read MoreAlternative title for this post - When Are We Going To Stop Shafting the Good Stuff?Yesterday I gave some ideas (Okay, I gave THE idea that will change your LIFE.) about how to organize all the crap we teachers feel the need to shlep home...
Read More(Just a moment. Let me clear my throat.) (Wait until you see this! A successful image link! Internet - I have mastered your ass. BOOYAH!) (Feel free to exchange high fives with the person nearest to you in my honor.)Friends, I have...
Read More(Not my best title, I know. But it's 4pm and I have yet to post!)Teachers, at least elementary school teachers, are hoarders. We heart saving things with the rationale that "someday I might need this for (enter name of obscure project here) and...
Read MoreIn my quest to Be Positive In 2010 (Take Three), I have made an honest effort to choke down that horrible feeling I get when things start to get all kinds of jacked up and despite my weeks of planning and preparation are totally out...
Read MoreSchools are amazing places. So many exciting things happen in schools and if you are a Super Nerd like myself, all that learning and list making gives you the chills. In a good way. A very good, very nerdy way. However...
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