#31 – This One’s For My Friends

Although I hope none of them are reading this blog. It just makes me feel better to put it out there…

To My Friends:

I don’t know how to adequately thank you for making me who I am today. I had a feeling I was supposed to be a teacher someday, but working with each and every one of you (whether you made me scream, cry, laugh or doubt myself) has shown me that I could never be anything else. Thank you for letting me learn along side you and thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for being my life preservers when I felt as if I was floating alone in an ocean of educational ridiculousness. You kept me sane. You kept me coming back day after day. And it is only now that I’m not in the classroom with you anymore that I can tell you how much I miss you.

Being your teacher was the most exciting and challenging work I have ever done. I try every day to find and create those new challenges for myself, but somehow without your little faces, it’s just not the same. It is because of YOU (fighting for you, doing my best for you) that I found my voice and that I found Mrs. Mimi’s voice.

I hope I had some impact on you too. Maybe I taught you the sneaky e rule, maybe I showed you how to be kind to others, maybe I instilled in you a premature desire to wear high heels….or maybe our time together wasn’t all that significant for you. I’ll never know. That’s the hardest part of this job when you come right down to it, I guess.

Here’s to us always being rock stars.

Mrs. Mimi

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  • So many of us forget to take a minute and appreciate them for what they are. We're the teachers, but we can learn so much from them. They make me laugh everyday and that makes up for the few days when I just want to cry. (Check out my comedians in my blog if you ever miss some "kid" talk.)

    February 1, 2010 at 11:53 am
  • It seems your friends brought you to us. We owe them thanks for that as well.

    Thanks, Mrs. Mimi, for inspiring and entertaining. You rock!!

    February 1, 2010 at 11:53 am
  • It's all about the kids, isn't it? If we could get other people (teachers, admins, politicians, the public in general) to realize that, we could cut through all the bullsh*t and just do our jobs.

    Well said! And Congratulations on making it! =)

    February 1, 2010 at 11:53 am
  • Great letter. I've written similar letters to my own students on my blog (although I hope to all things holy none of my students actaully read my blog) and while they'll never read it, it feels good to get it out there. Like good teacher karma or something. Glad to find your blog.

    February 2, 2010 at 2:33 am
  • I'm just curious, what do you do now that you aren't in the classroom?

    February 2, 2010 at 2:33 am
  • Thanks guys!

    Coach J – glad you are here!

    Ginger – I'm in my final year of my doctoral work (fingers crossed that I finish in 2010!!) in curriculum and teaching, I've been doing some consulting work and trying my darndest to take Mrs. Mimi into a whole website for teachers. In a nutshell. But man, I miss my kiddos.

    February 2, 2010 at 2:35 am
  • This is why I want to be a teacher. When I get out of school, this is the place I want to be.

    You're awesome and keep at it darlin!

    February 2, 2010 at 12:59 pm

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