
Frankly, I’m more interested in all of you, but if you must know about me, then here goes.

I am a teacher. I will always be a teacher. As a young and fabulous teacher tottering around Harlem in high heels, I needed an outlet for my frustrations. I was well aware that I had signed up for the struggles that come along with a classroom full of elementary aged children, but had not counted on the relentless drama and shenanigans (or shall we just call it what it is…bullshit?) of many of the adults around me. One night, I started this blog as a gift to my husband because frankly, he had listened more than one person should be asked to listen. I never thought anyone would read it, but I felt that if I could write it all down and make it funny then maybe, just maybe, I would be able to keep my head above water.

And then people started reading. And commenting. And laughing. And sharing their stories. And then, one day, someone came to me and offered me a book deal.


Around the same time, I went hard-core nerd and began my doctoral work at Teachers College. I became obsessed with the development of teachers’ identities and how we develop into rockstars over the course of our careers. Let’s just sum that up by saying Mrs. Mimi is fairly over how most teachers are represented in the media as well as the lack of understanding about and respect for the complexity of our daily lives in the classroom. Don’t make me get out my soapbox!

While at TC, I also developed a pretty gnarly addiction to children’s literature.

Then I had some kids and everything came to a screeching halt. Mini Mimi and Mini Mister are the loves of my life but holy shit, I’m exhausted. So there’s that. Talk about blogger interrupted.

So, welcome to Mrs. Mimi REFRESHED! My new site features three Mimis who represent my three biggest passions in education: teachers and classroom life, research on best practices and children’s literature and the joy of watching my own Minis grow as readers and writers.


Mrs. Mimi

Mrs. Mimi is a teacher. Enough said, right? If you must know more, Mrs. Mimi spends every day attempting to crush it in the classroom, has a deeply nerdy love of all things organizational, drinks endless amounts of coffee and someday soon might actually make it to the gym. She cannot be trusted alone in the children’s section of any bookstore (is that an Amex on fire?) or in a room with a colleague who refuses to pull his or her weight. She has unhealthy love of high-heeled shoes and will wear them as she climbs up on her soapbox to speak up for teachers everywhere. This is her story of life in and out of the classroom.

Dr. Mimi

Dr. Mimi aspires to keep it real as she digs into the latest and greatest research on best practices in literacy instruction. You see, Mrs. Mimi went to grad school and got her doctorate because, as has been mentioned before, she is deeply nerdy. However, one of her pet peeves is people who preach about classroom practices without spending any time in an actual classroom. Dr. Mimi strives to constantly push her own teaching by trying on new ideas and seeing how they might really fit.

Mama Mimi

Mama Mimi is tired. (Seriously, can someone please send coffee?) She is also the mother to two amazing little people, Mini Mimi and Mini Mister. One of the greatest joys of Mama Mimi’s life has been watching her favorite two people develop into avid readers.