Lists, Lists, Good for the Heart, The More You Make, The More You…

So, maybe my invitation got lost in the mail, but how am I the last one to the party for this?

(And if you can believe it, that little picture is an actual LINK to the book! I have mastered the Internets!)

I don’t know how I feel about this book. As you all know, I loves me a good list. Especially one that is color-coded and maybe includes a key…yeah, I get that into it. And not just professional lists…we’re talking To Do Lists, Lists of Books I Want To Read, Grocery Lists, Lists of Clothes I’m Waiting to Go On Sale, Lists of Movies I Want To See. It’s endless. Endless and sick I tell you. It’s to the point in my insanity where if Mr. Mimi and I are faced with a new project or obstacle to tackle, he will turn to me, smile and say, “Go get the list ready….” because he knows it makes me happy. The act of just making the freaking list makes me happy and calm. HOW SICK IS THAT?

Curious about this new found potential genius, I was startled to see that it didn’t receive the best reviews ever. People were pretty ambivalent about the book and expressed disappointment that it was so generic. I have to say, I do enjoy a good personalized list. Generic lists aren’t enough to cut the mustard. If you want to get something done, you have to get specific. (Even if that means writing down something you’ve already done, just because it is a crucial step in the process and you then get the joy of crossing it off.) (I know, I need help.) (I’ll add “Get Help” to my list now.) (It’s like a vicious cycle.)

One reviewer wrote, “In my opinion, this book is a book published on lists simply because there’s not a lot of book on lists out there.”


Secretly, I have been plotting to write a Book Of Lists for Teachers FOR YEARS! And if I’m totally honest with you, I will admit that I have been saving many of the lists I made during my time in the classroom, squirreling them away, sorting them into piles, getting ready to TAKE OVER THE WORLD OF EDUCATION! I mean, how amazing would it be to have a book of lists catered especially toward teachers? (Any of you potential teachers or first year teachers out there, this is the part where you should be nodding your head or perhaps screaming, “Yes, Mrs. Mimi! Yes! Bring it!”) (And if I see this book on the shelf someday when I am browsing through my beloved Barnsey, I may have to hunt you down.)

Update: Am aware that link is just a question mark in a blue box. Attempt at linking = fail. However, if you click on it, it will bring you to the book, so that’s something. Internets, someday (shaking fist emphatically), someday I will master you.

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  • I stumbled upon your blog today…specifically the H1N1 post about your school nurse…are you sure we don't share the same nurse? There are days she is gone, perhaps she's at your school sending kids with excessive bodily fluids back to class. I LOVE your blog, thanks for making it fun and helping others who love their teaching jobs keep it in perspective! Keep it up.

    January 22, 2010 at 1:36 am
  • I feel you were speaking to my very soul when you wrote about writing something you've already done on a list just because it was crucial to the process and as the added bonus you get the joy of crossing it off. Hi. My name is CassadillaJones and I write lists. More importantly, I OFTEN write things on my to-do lists after completely them just so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off… And color coded?!? Definitely. With matching colored post-its and highlightings.

    January 22, 2010 at 1:36 am
  • I would love a good set of lists, and you seem to be the master! DO IT.

    Back to School Shopping List

    Before School Starts checklist

    First Day of School checklist

    New Student in the Middle of the Year To-Do-List

    At The End of the Day list

    and on and on and on…

    Also, be sure to leave blank spaces at the end of lists (or maybe even a blank page) so people can add their own more personal things. My mom also has an address book that has a sort-of-laminated surface, so that you can use a thin dry-erase marker and reuse the lists over and over.

    January 22, 2010 at 1:36 am
  • A book of lists just for teachers? I may have died and gone to heaven at that point. Would it perhaps come with post-it's because that would be almost too much! lol

    January 22, 2010 at 1:36 am
  • I love lists too! But when I make my own I have to make another one that says 1. find that other to-do list you lost. I'd totally buy a book of lists for teachers. I was thinking about one that had lists of words (homophones, multiple-meaning, commonly misspelled, etc…you know, the ones we usually have to know on the top of our heads to use as examples when teaching.)

    January 22, 2010 at 1:36 am
  • I love lists. My favorite ones are typed in Word, color coded, and categorized. And best of all? They have bullets shaped like boxes for checking off the completed tasks (even though I know full well that I am going to intensely enjoy scribbling the whole line out with a Sharpie).

    Needless to say, I would buy such a book. 🙂

    January 22, 2010 at 3:37 am
  • Lists are definitely good! Have you ever heard of Listography? It's more for keeping a journal but in list form so it's easy. They have lots of fun suggestions in the books, or on the website you can make lists about whatever you want! Totally addicting.

    January 22, 2010 at 1:11 pm
  • Mrs. Mimi,
    I am a wanna-be list maker. I begin, I color code, I post-it, but I can never seem to finish making the list.Or I lose it halfway through and have to begin again. Therefore, I must confess that I would DIE for your lists!!! Can't we get those nice people who published your book to publish your lists? Seriously.

    January 22, 2010 at 1:11 pm
  • OK, I admit it – I also add things to my list, just so I can cross it off! That is true satisfaction! I make one main list and then make my daily "TO DO" list form there. I love Listography – never saw that site before. I am going there now!
    Great post ~ as usual!

    January 23, 2010 at 3:13 am

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