Don’t Call It A Comeback…


image credit: @vlhamlindesign

…okay, maybe you can call it a comeback because…well, DID YOU SEE MY NEW SITE?!  I mean, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but hello, lover!

Oh, my lovelies, I have missed you!  Mrs. Mimi desperately needed some rest and a refresh but now I am back and better than ever.  (Yes, with more cocktails!  Oh, right!  And also a new site and bananas amazing new content!  * squee!!*)

You see, while I will always have a special place in my heart for my roots (which include poop stories, rants about incompetent co-workers and school supply fantasies), I have been ready for the site to grow and change for a long time.  I will always post hilarious stories about my little friends, my adventures in the classroom and the shenanigans of co-workers who make me want to poke myself in the eye with a fork.  I want to tell the stories of every teacher out there.  I want to keep laughing with you about how amazing and yet how utterly ridiculous this job is.  None of that is going to change.

However, as I continue to evolve, I see space for other Mimis on this site.  Many of you may know that I was knighted as an uber-nerd and received my doctorate in 2011.  (Yes, technically I am Dr. Mimi.)  I left the classroom to become a literacy consultant.  Now, hold up!  I can hear your eyes rolling from here.  I do not do one shot PD.  #notafan.  I am lucky enough to work with a group of amazing people who create long term PD solutions for schools which means I become as much a part of the school community as possible and work alongside teachers to create drool-worthy reading and writing experiences for students.  The downside?  I miss having 20 little faces of my own to shake hands with each morning.  The upside?  I get to spend time with so many of you, work with so many students and basically nerd out daily.

Then there is this other little thing that happened in the last few years.  You know, I had a couple of minis and have not slept through the night since.  My original Mini is now five-and-a-half and crushing it in kindergarten.  Her little brother, who we shall henceforth refer to as Mini Mister, is two-and-a-half and is a minxy little lovey.

I still wear high heels.  I still fantasize about having my own wind machine.  I will still stand on top of a mountain side and scream, “I AM A TEACHER” and defend the daily lives of teachers to anyone who will listen.  You will always be able to click on the “Mrs. Mimi” tab and hear me roar.  But now, I also want to nerd out and read stuff with you guys.  I want to share new strategies, success stories and ideas for our classrooms.  Click on the “Dr. Mimi” tab if you want to join me.  And, because they are my latest obsession, I want to share stories about literacy in my house and the experience of watching my minis grow into little people through the eyes of a teacher.  Click on “Mama Mimi” in the top navigation bar to see what I’m talking about.

I’m thinking it’s time for a bit of a celebratory cocktail, don’t you?  It’s Friday and Mimi is back!!


Mrs. Mimi

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  • Lauren falkenhainer

    This sounds so great! Happy your back and I’m excited to read!

    February 5, 2016 at 9:24 pm
    • mimi

      Thanks, Lauren!! So happy to be back! Miss you, super colleague!

      February 5, 2016 at 9:27 pm
  • So glad you’re back. I’ve been a fan forever. You influenced me in so many ways when I was a little newbie teacher in 2010-11. I painted with my students today because of you. I do a read aloud every day because of you. Will you talk about the Opt Out movement please?

    February 5, 2016 at 10:12 pm
  • Julie dulay

    Woo hoo! Love it 🙂 following…

    February 5, 2016 at 10:14 pm

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