We Teachers Have a Sickness…
…I believe it’s called Can’t Sit the Hell Down and Relax Disease. Or maybe Restless Leg Syndrome. Or possibly we just need to start a group called Over-Producers Anonymous. O.P.A. forever!
Whatever you want to call it, it’s definitely a sickness.
Granted the rest of the world prefers to imagine us kicking up our heels in order to better shovel bon bons into our face. (If you have ever uttered something related to, “Teachers have soooo much vacation time! How can they possibly be tired?” please stop reading right now and go punch yourself in the face. For me.) I choose to think it is because said individuals are not strong enough to admit what they don’t understand and therefore find it more comfortable to hide their ignorance in unwarranted and completely bullshit commentary.
However, those of us on the inside know that teachers too often look at “vacation” as an opportunity to get SO. MUCH. SHIT. DONE. Wheeeeeee!
Like the rest of you, I have a few days out of schools. Days I believe are intended to be used for myself, for time with my family, for sleeping in, for rejuvenation. Yet I, like the rest of you, seem to have chosen to use this time to clean out closets, write more lesson plans than humanly possibly, read several professional books, catch up on my education blog reading and, you know, save the rainforests. Or whatever. (And that’s before Thursday. Watch out weekend!)
It is in these moments that I begin to think there has to be some sort of middle ground. Where we find the time to relax and take a breath from our oh-so-demanding craft while also feeling as if we can go back to work ahead of the game and prepared for the balls-out-all-hands-on-deck push that is January.
And the quest for balance continues…
Love your honesty! As teachers we're not supposed to be honest…duh….does that not sound profound?
How about the bullshit between teachers…the jealousies, etc.,. does that not drive you nuts?
Amber Polk
This made me laugh out loud. Mainly because my eyes are so tired from creating things on the computer, typing out lessons plans and reading blogs. I soooo agree with this!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
This made my night! Totally describes me to a T!!!!
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
Angel Read
I've tried explaining to people that have said things like that before… even though STUDENTS have lots of days off and vacation time, teachers are often working even during what is supposed to be their own time off!
Miss Amélie
Love your blog! This post was hilarious and true! Definitely going to share it with my teacher friends. 🙂
That's me!!! I actually graded a small stack of papers on Christmas Day!
I know you love lists, so maybe you need to add those relaxing activities and family time to the list.
I rebelled this break and haven't really done much of anything except work on my National Board entries and play with my new puppy. I have not done a THING for my classroom and frankly, I don't plan to until Monday when I make my weekly newsletter. Otherwise, it can wait until I'm back at work!
Mrs. Schroeder
So glad it is not just me…I spent yesterday writing a blog post all about what I am doing in January at school so that I would stop thinking about it. My husband & family just don't get my obsessiveness. Heck I don't get it but knowing there are others out there feeling the same way is comforting. Work on FRIENDS! ♥ your work!
You're right of course! Look at me…retired for two years, yet still reading teacher journals, blogs, and articles…still trying to figure out the best way to teach reading, and now volunteering in two (count 'em, 2) elementary schools!
Oceans of First Grade Fun
I am dying laughing. I just finished all my lesson plans for Jan-March. Finished my second professional book this week, created a few new Promethean Board flipcharts, and laminated and cut out dozens of literacy and math activities. I needed to read this tonight! I love your blog!
Ms. A
Oceans of First Grade Fun
Jeremy Roe
While a few teachers are indeed lazy – I agree with you – most teachers work non-stop for limited pay. I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Teach [i.e. I have yet to start teaching] and I am already amazed at how much teachers actually are required to do. With the advent of data driven assessment and education reform, a teachers workload as essentially doubled. Rather than just coming in and lecturing like in the old days, I will be expected to maintain multiple forms of interactive technology and constantly assess my students progress towards state mandated goals. Preparing lesson plans, strategies, and preparing for standardized testing will be a year round job. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those of you already in the profession.
Jeremy Roe
While a few teachers are indeed lazy – I agree with you – most teachers work non-stop for limited pay. I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Teach [i.e. I have yet to start teaching] and I am already amazed at how much teachers actually are required to do. With the advent of data driven assessment and education reform, a teachers workload as essentially doubled. Rather than just coming in and lecturing like in the old days, I will be expected to maintain multiple forms of interactive technology and constantly assess my students progress towards state mandated goals. Preparing lesson plans, strategies, and preparing for standardized testing will be a year round job. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those of you already in the profession.