The Weekly Wrap Up
Posted on
September 10, 2011
Helllloooo lovely readers! I know it’s Saturday, but we’re going to do the Weekly Wrap Up today – in all honesty, Mrs. Mimi spent the day yesterday totally nerding out with colleagues, so apologies for the delay.
Before we get into it, I want to announce the winner of the F in Exams giveaway. Who will it be? Can you stand the suspense?
And the winner is….
Lawn Mower Queen!!! (Email me your info at itsnotallflowersandsausages at gmail dot com so I can get your prize sent to you.)
Thanks again to everyone for reading and entering. Now that the giveaway madness is over, we’ll get back to business next week.
The Friday Four
: The Beauty of Mistakes
I don’t know about y’all, but I have had some friends who freak their freak when they make a mistake. Cue the end of the world!! I mean, I have seen children not only erase a hole in their paper but look like they’re trying to erase a hole through their desk and into the floor so that they crawl into it and cry about making one teeny tiny error that is no big deal. Sound familiar? This Friday Five is dedicated to those friends – here are some fabulous books about the beauty we can find in our mistakes.
Other Bits of Fabulous From Around the Web:
Here’s a lovely tribute to teachers in the
NY Times. Although in all honesty…sometimes I want to say, “Enough heart warming tributes and let’s start make some real change!!!” But maybe I just need another cup of coffee.
School Book is a new website that tracks what’s going on in NYC Schools.
Memories…What Mrs. Mimi Was Ranting About Way Back When
You know that feeling you get at the beginning of the year when you’re Teacher MoJo kicks back in? Me too.
Some love for the Naughty Boys!
More Naughty Boy fabulousness!
You know that feeling you get at the beginning of the year when you’re given a list of assessments a mile long that must be completed with each child by the end of the week and you’re thinking, “When the hell am I going to get to start teaching?” Yeah. I know that one too.
Have a wonderful weekend and an even better week ahead!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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I clicked back to your article from 2007 about testing and it completely resonates with me right now! We were informed on Thursday, 9/8 that by Friday, 9/16 we need to assess every student 3 times: one ELA benchmark, one Math benchmark and one DIBELS assessment. Yup. One week to give each student three 20-minute assessments. And I am still expected to teach them three new letters and three new sight words! And my little friends are only Kindergartners!!!
Great write ups, thank you.