Capes for Everybody!!

Over at Joanne Jacobs, I discovered that several fabulous teachers were passing around a meme that lists Amazing Feats of Super Teachery.  GENIUS!!  (Everyone wants in on this cape look evidently.) (Can you blame them?)

I thought I would take a few minutes this morning and share some of mine because a) I never pass up an opportunity to toot my own horn and b) I would LOVE to hear some of yours!

So without further ado, and in no particular order, My Personal Feats of Fabulous Super Teachery:

* I can hold my pee for hours on end.  HOURS.  This skill is only rivaled by the talents of the camel.

(You HAD to know that one was coming.)

* I can stop a child dead in his or her naughty little tracks with the subtle lift of an eyebrow. (A skill I also feel free to pull out in other places such as Costco, malls and restaurants.)

* I can hold my teaching focus while watching a mouse scurry across the back of my classroom, drawing no attention to the visiting vermin.

* I can cross more items off a To Do List in one hour than any other adult professional.

* I have a somewhat inappropriate obsession with office supplies, picture books and pieces of student art.

* I do a mean Strega Nona impression and can literally perform selected scenes from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory complete with character voices and mannerisms.

* I hold a heinous amount of information about such elementary school science topics such as hibernation, photosynthesis and the various classifications of rock typically found in Central Park.

* I am a proud human shield, blocking my little friends from the overwhelming amount of political, administrative and general bullshit raging outside our classroom door.  All with a smile on my face.  A HUGE cup of coffee doesn’t hurt either.

Well, it’s finally the weekend.  So take a moment and toot your own horn!!

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  • Recently I added the following feat to my list: I can make an entire group of five-year-olds cry with my quiet dramatic reading of Charlotte's Death scene. 🙂 No really! I just blogged about it!

    May 1, 2010 at 1:38 pm
  • Love that last one. A worthy goal for us all.

    Here's one of mine: I can keep a straight face when my hormonal 7th graders turn yet ANOTHER innocuous comment into sexual innuendo. (Usually.)

    May 1, 2010 at 8:45 pm
  • Great skills… I could definitely use skill #2 on your list! I think my children are deaf and blind when it comes to minding me!

    May 1, 2010 at 8:45 pm
  • those are great!!

    May 1, 2010 at 8:45 pm
  • Great list. My skill – sending 53 kids to sleep in 15 minutes while on school camp by reading the Japanese fairy tale 'The Snow Woman' despite losing my voice during the day.

    May 3, 2010 at 11:47 am
  • this is such a great post! I will have to do it since I am pretty devastated looking at state testing results right now. Do you have a link to your blogring? I'd love to read more teacher blogs but don't know where to find them and the couple nings I've seen are pretty inactive.

    May 5, 2010 at 6:00 pm
  • this is such a great post! I will have to do it since I am pretty devastated looking at state testing results right now. Do you have a link to your blogring? I'd love to read more teacher blogs but don't know where to find them and the couple nings I've seen are pretty inactive.

    May 5, 2010 at 6:00 pm

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