Fashionably Late to the Office Supply Party

I’m at the point with my love affair with office supplies, that I now get email alerts when there is a big sale. I know what you’re thinking…”this girl needs more to DO!” Well, that’s not true, but I probably could spend more time dissertating, reading up on labor, working on my website being productive and less time drooling over sales at Staples or the gorgeous office supplies over at See Jane Work.  But I digress…

PEOPLE!  There is a buy two get one free sale going on at Office Depot!  I know that you thought I was a one office supply store kind of woman, but in this economy, you’ve got to diversify to save!!  Or at least that’s how I rationalize my numerous relationships with numerous office supply vendors.  (Barnsey however, will always be my one and only.)  And I feel it is my duty to inform you of such wonderful-ness.

Here’s the link  to the buy two get one free sale. (Stock Up and Save Buy 2 Get 1 Free on Select Supplies )  Friends, they are even including buy two get one free on those big fat packages of sticky notes.  The ones that come with 12 pads – TWELVE PADS!  And I know many of our wallets are bare, however, I also know that many of us are running short on Post It notes because the new trend in education seems to be having children put every thought they have on a Post It note and sticking it in a book.  (I hate to tell the people who are obsessed with this idea that I see it’s purpose but HATED dealing with all those stickies all over the classroom.  I mean, the reckless use of Post It notes in my classroom was out of control despite many lectures from you-know-who.)  

The savings don’t end there – they also include manilla folders (stay tuned tomorrow when I share with you the many ways that I used these beauties in my classroom – HEART THEM!), pens, paper (I have had to buy my own in the past and it can get pricey…), paper clips and binder clips.  

Am I the only one who kind of feels like singing, “These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things!”

Anybody?  No?

Okay.  Well, go forward and save, my friends!  And don’t forget – tomorrow I will rock your manilla folder loving world!

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  • Glue sticks and Sharpies and binders… oh, my! Some people complain when back-to-school supplies start showing up in July, but it makes me feel a little tingly.

    February 24, 2010 at 3:56 pm
  • Here is a gem heard in my classroom today.

    Student: What are those?
    Me: Binder clips
    Student: King Tut ate those, you know.


    February 25, 2010 at 3:10 am
  • I was wondering if you heard about the Rhode Island High School that is firing its ENTIRE STAFF at the end of the year. (this link might work:

    I thought you might have some things to say about it! I was in shock myself…

    February 25, 2010 at 3:10 am
  • MarieMent – those commercials do tend to taunt me a bit, but clearly, I will use any and all excuses to peruse office supply catalogs and buy Sharpies!

    Melissa – Thanks for the heads up…I have A LOT TO SAY about that one and have been wrapping my head around how to do it without making my computer explode for over use of profanity. Stay tuned – should have something up about it tomorrow.

    Emily – Um, hilarious!

    February 26, 2010 at 12:04 am

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