Someone’s Gonna Be On the Radio Tomorrow…

…And that someone is ME!

Yes, I will be on the radio (wearing fabulous heels even though you won’t be able to see them) with none other than Mr. Leonard Lopate of the aptly named Leonard Lopate show on WNYC (93.9 fm or am 820).

Here’s a blurb about Mr. Lopate and his show directly from his website:

“Host Leonard Lopate lets you in on the best conversations with writers, actors, ex-presidents, dancers, scientists, comedians, historians, grammarians, curators, filmmakers, and do-it-yourself experts. Live interaction is critical to Lopate’s conversational and personal style. “I think it’s crucial to maintain eye contact when you’re discussing complex matters with the likes of John Updike, Doris Lessing, Bill Bradley, Mark Morris, and Francis Ford Coppola, all of whom are return guests to Leonard Lopate on WNYC, ” says Lopate.”

Um, Francis Ford Coppola? John Updike? And now…Mrs. Mimi?? Oh, and if you look at the roster of his most recent shows (also available via free podcasts if you aren’t in the NYC area or can’t tune in from approximately 1:00-1:20 p.m. tomorrow) it includes people such as Joyce Carol Oates, and Jeannette Walls, just to name a few.

Those are real authors people!

I guess this makes me a real author. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I have a book available at my local Barnsey and it is also for sale over at Amazon but still….I AM A TEACHER! Evidently, now I get to say, “Hi, my name is Mrs. Mimi. I’m a teacher and an author.”

Well ha cha cha for me.

(And for those of you who are thinking, “Well if she’s an author now, then where the heck are her blog posts?” …you are completely justified. I have a list friends, oh yes. I have a list of potential blog posts and they are a’comin’. However, I also had a list of Crap I Need To Get Done For My Dissertation, which is stapled to a print out of my student loans and thusly, I had to prioritize. Sorry….)

Long story short, listen to me on the radio tomorrow and keep your fingers crossed that I sound witty and intelligent. Send me all the Fabulous Vibes you can.

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  • Fabulous Vibes SENT! love, trinity

    October 13, 2009 at 9:25 pm
  • *bottles up some good vibes…and sends them east…to Mrs. Mimi…

    I look forward to listening 🙂

    October 14, 2009 at 2:40 am
  • Heard the interview. Glad to hear there's another "naughty boy" fan out there, particularly one who doesn't like whiners. I think the boys are funny. We could guarantee that on any field trip to the farm or zoo the kids most frightened of the animals were the naughtiest of the naughty.

    October 14, 2009 at 7:44 pm
  • I love whiny girls…and yes, I was a naughty boy when I was a kid!

    Excellent job on the radio, Mrs. Mimi. Thanks for giving us your voice!!

    October 15, 2009 at 12:03 am

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