I have parent teacher conferences this week…yea, I know you probably do too. I am simultaneously dreading the late nights (just poke me in the eye now) but secretly enjoy talking to most of the parents. Also, this time of year is usually brilliant fodder for the ‘ol blog and I know I have been letting you down as of late.
So, I am waiting for tomorrow night with breath that is bated, and until then…check out this gem:
Mrs. Mimi,
How you be? (That is a direct quote, by the by.) I looked at the conference schedule you sent home. Those times are not good. I would like to schedule a weekend conference.
At this point, please insert the sound of screeching breaks as I pause and re-read this message.
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Meg Pie
Oh my heck!?!?!?!?!?!
What in the world?
My heart goes out to you this week.
I can’t stand conferences!
Parents are just too dumb sometimes to even handle!
Good luck
ChiTown Girl
That is too funny!
Dear Parent,
Where you is on the weekdays?
Keepin’ it real,
Mrs. Mimi
This seems really late for conferences! WOW!
Weekend conferences, huh? That is really really crazy!!
Just be glad that they spelled conference and the two instances of schedule correct, yo. Spelling is hard. Grammar is hard. Even god has trouble conjugating “to be.”
Lol, too funny! And it explains so much when you meet the parents!
Oh my gosh I can’t believe a parent would send you that! That is horrible! Some parents are just so cluseless they don’t even know what is going half the time. Well good luck with trying to sort through the rest of them!
Wow…the nerve! On the upside, at least the parent wants to see you…
How did you respond to the parent?
Does a gift certificate for a massage accompany any of the notes? I’m just waiting one of these days for that kind of gift…
17 (really 15) more years
Yo Parent-
So sorry, but I be chillin’ with my homeboy at my crib this weekend.
Peace out-
Mrs. Mimi
You all are brilliant!! I be lovin yo responses!
HA HA HA HA! Weekend?! You shoulda said, Yeah, if you bring your vacuum….! Too funny. (And I hope you said no.)
Mimi, You make me so happy. When I read your blogs, it is like looking in the mirror. I feel your pain. As far as the weekend conference, I would love to know your response to this parent. On the bright side, at least this parent WANTS to come for a conference. You have inspired me to tell my conference story. (I should be ashamed, but really I’m not) Check it out on my blog and tell me what you think. Also, keep the good times coming. I look forward to read your storys every week!
“Dear Parent,
Where you is on the weekdays?
Keepin’ it real,
Mrs. Mimi”
That’s hilarious, jenamoured!
So glad I found yor blog, Mrs. Mimi!!!
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