Ready, Set, Panic (Or In My Case…Frantically Make Lists And Make A Hard-Core Staples Run)
So, I’m back from my fabulous trip. I am tanned, well-rested and happy. Minus my camera getting stolen in what will remain an un-named city, we had the most amazing time and a wonderful anniversary. (Fortunately, I had uploaded some pictures onto my computer, but I did lose a few. Let’s have a moment of silence for my camera. And now, please send hateful vibes to the man who stole the camera of a nice little American girl. I hope Karma really is a b*tch.)
But now I am oh-so-aware of the calendar. Gone are the days where I pick my head up from my book, sip my iced coffee and ask, “Hey babe, what day is it anyway?” Oh no. I KNOW what day it is. It is 16 days and counting. And that is the countdown until the OFFICIAL day that I have to report back. I may/will/don’t want to go back for an extra day or two beforehand. Boo.
How am I spending these last precious moments you ask?
List making.
Scouring the Staples web site.
Trying to readjust my sleeping to “teacher time” (insert a shudder here).
(Oh, and watching TiVo’d episodes of Project Runway.)
Strangely though, I have moments of being excited. Sometimes, I think about my planner (the new one still remains un-purchased) and feel giddy. Nerdy, nerdy, nerdy. Shamefully nerdy. I have mentally planned read alouds, re-designed the lay out of my classroom furniture and wondered what my new little friends will be like. I miss having a good story to tell.
I guess that means I really do love my job?
We started back last week. Come on in – the water’s fine. 🙂
I didn’t want to go either, but now that we have, I’m all excited to get going with another year.
Good luck!
I just wish I could get IN to my classroom…we are building a new school and don’t have a definite date that we can start moving in! UGH! Although I’m overwhelmed at times, I’m mostly excited. 🙂 Yay for new little friends!
Jen Barney
I start the 18th…. I’ll be thinking about you!
Christi Overman
Oh yeah, sister, I’ve been in panic mode for three days now…literally woke up Sunday morning and canceled all my plans to take a mini-vacation/long weekend with friends. I need a paper bag…
Rebecca Bell, Ph.D.
I go back tomorrow. Wednesday is such a random day to report back, but here I go! Perhaps the half-week is aimed at acclimating us back to real time gradually. What? I have to set an actual alarm clock? Lemmie dust that thing off.
Wish me luck. 🙂
Hi! Came across your blog and really enjoyed reading! I know how you feel, August really snuck up on me!
Anyway, I will add you to my blogroll…I look forward to reading more!
Sad and demented as it is….I couldn’t sleep last night because we are getting our rosters (which will change 101 times between now and next Tuesday), related arts schedules and supply checks today. We have been back since Monday but I went in 3 days last week, and surprisingly my room still looks like the DEA just did a search for contraband in it!!
Enjoy these last few weeks!!!
We go back on the 25th, but I’m going up to school today. I was horribly sick when I closed up my room in June, so I need to figure out what’s what and where things are.
Can’t remember if I bought a new electric pencil sharpener, can’t remember where I put the Office Depot coupons, so it’s time to figure out what I need to do. And copy off a bunch of placement tests for my kids.
miss bioteacher
Hi, just found your blog. I’m starting my first year teaching in September and the time is slipping away too fast.
Good luck!
I went in today…we start back on the 27th. I am looping up with my kids this year, so feel like I need some extra time to get my brain wrapped around a new set of standards etc.
Enjoy the holidays you have left! and no worries…it will be a great year.
I know what you mean about the giddyness of the “newness” and the planning. I may complain about it starting up again, but I get SO excited about all the new supplies and such. Plus, I have been in rearranging my room and organizing, and that is making me excited as well. Sorry about your camera…Good luck this year!
Hee hee! I was just like that last week. I am on my 3rd day of class. I love them. I also panic every single year but I don’t admit it to anyone. After 22 years of first days, you would think I would be over it. I’m not. I am still having trouble getting to sleep at a decent time. Last Friday I slept for 13 hours! I am still awake late into the night though.
I hope you have a fantastic year. Keep on posting. Linda aka Mystery Teacher
I JUST wrote the same post. Only less shopping, more painting. But still! The August twitch is upon us. I still have 19 days (I think…) if you don’t count the August 29th staff meeting. Now THAT is something I am not looking forward to!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one! I’ve had 5 dreams/nightmares about school and the back of my car is filled with target and staples bags for 5 cent folders, markers, etc.
And you’re right- the worst part of the new school year: changing your sleep schedule.
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