It’s A Boy!!
I walked into the cafeteria to pick up my class today.
“Mrs. Mimi!”, shouted Curly, “It’s a boy!!!”
Now, many of you may remember that he made a similar early morning announcement about his mother “peeing on a stick”. Well, it’s a boy…and although he was hoping for a girl, Curly seems pumped. He already has an older brother (who I taught years ago) and is excited for a younger brother. I know that he used to give his older brother a very hard time…I reminded him of this, warning him that maybe his NEW little brother would give HIM a hard time. He smiled, nodded and said, “I was a pain….(sigh)…good times.”
No lie! This kid is phenomenal.
And while it is very cute, let this serve as a warning to you parents out there….I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY.
Let me say that again. YOUR CHILD REPEATS EVERYTHING YOU SAY AND DO ONCE THEY ARE AT SCHOOL. And clearly, using Curly as an example, no event or room of your home is off limits…not even the bathroom.
Now, I know to many of us, this seems like common sense. But then why do I get daily reports of fathers in weight watchers (or as my students call it “fat class”) who later hit the drive thru at McDonalds, stories about parents who went on successful dates and brought someone home (one child actually used the words “booty call” with me), and, my personal favorite, tales of that “special cigarette” that mommy smokes with daddy sometimes. Um, sweetheart? I think that is called a doobie.
And I know it goes both ways, parents. I have taught your children to say “fabulous” at potentially very inconvenient times (I take no responsibility if they get the crap beat out of them on the playground for liberally using this word). I am also aware that “Mrs. Mimi says” is probably one of your least favorite phrases, because I say a lot.
But please, let’s try to keep the porn to a minimum because it’s very awkward during morning meeting when one of my friends shares that mommy and/or daddy were watching a “naked people movie” with lots of “screaming” and “bumping into each other.”
OMIGOD FANTASTIC!!!! That’s awesome.
Snippety Gibbet
Lord have mercy!!!!! hehehehehe…..
That’s too much!! Thanks for sharing!
He-he! They do tell EVERYTHING!!! Too funny!
Christi Overman
True dat! Nothing is off limits. I love the conferences that start with “Well, maybe my son has told you that we’re having marriage problems…”
Umm, yeah, and I know why, too. I can tell you the other lady’s name and about how you broke the window throwing a rock at your husband…but I won’t.
Thanks for the funny stuff!!!
Mary Louise Brooks
When I taught kindergarten, I used to hear THE best stories. I had one student tell me, “my mommy’s getting her stomach stapled.” Also, “my sister is going to have a baby!” I teach the older kids but they’re still funny. Every year they want to know how old you’re going to be. I usually say 50 because it’s easy to subtract for the year, like they’re ever going to check! I had a student make a card for me that said, “Have a great birthday. You look good for your age. How old are you? You’re older than my grandpa!” That one goes into the keeper file! LOL!
I haven’t posted before, but have been reading for a little while now. I love your insights (my daughter just finished 1st grade and I figure I can be a better parent if I avoid doing the things that drive you nuts!) 🙂 LOVE this one. I have figured all our goings on are fodder for the classroom, although we live a fairly G-rated existence so I’m not too worried. You’re right about the Miss ______ said…teachers know everything and us lowly parents…nothing. 🙂 Thanks for the chuckle and have a great summer!
I told my kindergarden class that my mom and I had crabs….I meant the ones in the fish tank. But it took a few days for my mom to convince the other parents to let thier kids play with me.
Charlene—hysterical!! I once had a student write a story about how she had crabs and the title was “I Have Crabs”. It made me smile every time I looked at the bulletin board.
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