I Know I Shouldn’t Have Faves….

I have had two hellatious days of field trips in a row. Usually, I’m fine in the morning. On the trip, I am downright happy to be there. But in the afternoon, oh the afternoon! I find that I often turn into the least patient bitch ever. It’s really awful. And then something like this happens.

Picture it. My classroom. 2:00. (Can you tell that I am semi-addicted to Golden Girls re-runs?? Sophia cracks me up…sad, I know).

Everyone is working away. Honestly, they are very dilligent writers, I am a proud mama.

I sit with Curly to conference. Have I mentioned recently how much I love this kid?? Seriously, I heart Curly.

We chat about his recent work. He nods, inserts an occassional “mmm-hmmm”, and makes eye contact the entire time. It’s almost like talking to an adult.

When we finish the conference, he picks up his pencil and gets back to work.

Later, as we clean up, he raises his hand and says, “Mrs. Mimi, thanks a lot for helping me today.”

All together now: awwwwwwwwww!! (sigh) I guess I’ll go back tomorrow.

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  • Anonymous

    I had a great day too. My parents are being very berry kind to me. I love this school.
    Mystery Teacher

    October 24, 2007 at 11:53 pm
  • Thx for the comment. I agree. Usu I don’t include such serious stuff, but unfortunately it’s reality. Truthfully, I am glad to be retired after 31 yrs. Towards the end of my career (@ the last decade, I left The Pokey w/ one of 2 thoughts:

    I can’t believe I got paid to do this. It was a breeze.. and fun.


    There isn’t enuf moola in the world for this.. to take this… do this.. suffer this..

    Back to the video…+ The documentary itself is a good sign. It was made for us, by us.

    And look at the lawsuit. It has been undertaken by our state’s largest law firm, Nelson Mullins. With a cost well in excess of $5 million, it’s one of the greatest examples of pro bono work ever produced.+



    October 25, 2007 at 9:17 pm

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