Just Another Manic Wednesday

There are days when it feels like the stars have aligned and made you the Goddess of Teaching, teacher of the year, and the woman whose you-know-what doesn’t stink because even her shit is made of pure genius all wrapped into one.

Do you ever have those days?

Days when you get through everything in your plans but didn’t feel like you were rushing.  Days when all your teaching comes together in ways you couldn’t imagine.  It’s just that great.  Days when all your friends are pumped about their learning and produce amazing things.  Days when that particular friend who drives you batshit crazy is slightly harder to love does something kind and lovely for someone else.  Days when the photocopier works, your classroom phone doesn’t ring and there are no interruptions at your door.  Coats are on their hooks, the pencils are all sharpened and there isn’t a scrap of paper on the floor for as far as the eye can see.

Hold on, I’m a little choked up. It’s just so beautiful. Give me a moment.

These are the days when you tap into your inner Charlie Sheen and shout, “Winning!” as you high five your colleagues in the hall at the end of the day.

Too far?

Regardless, you know what I’m talking about.  We have all had those days.  We have all relied on those days to get us through the other days.

Ah, the other days.  Today I had one of those other days.

Those days when you can’t find your car keys, your wallet is in places unknown and you are ten minutes late to everything.  Where the stars don’t align, you don’t feel productive and while you get things done, you know you could have done way more.  You have food in your teeth, there is paper everywhere and where the hell did you leave that pen?!  Your friends are snippy, the interruptions are endless and you are starting to feel as if Judith Viorst was writing about you, not some kid named Alexander.

Why is it that those other days always seem to follow up the days when you have rocked it endlessly?  Is it the universe sending us a reality check?  An ego check?

I think it’s just the nature of teaching.  When I was getting certified, one of my favorite professors told me that teaching was all about not getting too caught up in the highs and the lows because they are extreme and ever changing.

Someone point me to the wine.  After all, tomorrow is another day.

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  • One of my professors when I was at NYU and BOTH of my cooperating teachers during student teaching told me that teaching was like a roller coaster ride. You never know where it's going to go. And a day – even a class period – that starts out good can go bad in the blink of an eye or vice versa. Or it can start good, bad, good, bad, good, etc. Teaching is such a mystery that I'm just barely starting to get to know. I would love it if teaching was just one of those "magical" days you talked about in the beginning of this post. But ya know, sometimes "manic" days can make us better. 🙂 Thanks for writing!

    January 5, 2012 at 1:24 am
  • The other day for me is routinely a Tuesday. Almost every week for almost a school year and a half. Tuesday is the day. The day when that one special cherub goes out of his way to scream things like "You are stupid." "You are mean!" to you because he cut in line and you asked him to go to the back. When a child goes home early from the office and no one notifies you because you were at lunch (50 ft from the secretaries desk) and not in your classroom. Days where you were one minute late to recess duty and the secretary comes after you, the same who didn't come and tell you that a child left five minutes ago. Oh the other days. Every now and again I am amazed with the a good Tuesday. It is a great feeling knowing that they curse or cycle can be broken. What breaks that cycle? I hope one day to find out. Until then, I will smile at the other 20 who are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing (however more talkative than usual) and ask them what dance they want to do as we get through out day. Nothing can make you smile more than a group of 5 and 6 year olds "Wednesday wigglin'" Thanks for your post. May tomorrow be a goddess-of-a-teacher day.

    January 5, 2012 at 11:44 am
  • The other day for me is routinely a Tuesday. Almost every week for almost a school year and a half. Tuesday is the day. The day when that one special cherub goes out of his way to scream things like "You are stupid." "You are mean!" to you because he cut in line and you asked him to go to the back. When a child goes home early from the office and no one notifies you because you were at lunch (50 ft from the secretaries desk) and not in your classroom. Days where you were one minute late to recess duty and the secretary comes after you, the same who didn't come and tell you that a child left five minutes ago. Oh the other days. Every now and again I am amazed with the a good Tuesday. It is a great feeling knowing that they curse or cycle can be broken. What breaks that cycle? I hope one day to find out. Until then, I will smile at the other 20 who are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing (however more talkative than usual) and ask them what dance they want to do as we get through out day. Nothing can make you smile more than a group of 5 and 6 year olds "Wednesday Wigglin'" Thanks for your post. May tomorrow be a goddess-of-a-teacher day.

    January 5, 2012 at 11:44 am
  • This makes me nervous, cause I had the good type of day today!!! I'll cross my fingers for tomorrow. 🙂

    January 5, 2012 at 11:44 am
  • I know exactly what you mean. I'm in college, studying to be a Special Ed major, and all the classwork along with my job is brutal. I don't get much sleep, and in between classes and homework, I work. Fortunately, I have those very rare days that I get all my homework finished and I can just sit and relax or take a nap. I love days like that

    October 9, 2012 at 5:49 pm

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