And the Blue Ribbon goes to…

By now you are probably all pretty familiar with my stance on teachers and capes, right?  If you’re not, know that I believe whole heartedly that every teacher who is currently ROCKING IT in her (or his) classroom deserves a superhero cape because that is what they truly are.  You can wear your cape all Clark Kent style and keep it in the closet, or you can throw it on whenever you want just to make your badass-ness as evident as possible.  Your choice.

Well today, friends, Big Mama Mimi is temporarily trading in her superhero teacher cape (Are you really that surprised that I am the spawn of another amazeballs teacher?) for a blue ribbon.  Yep, Big Mama Mimi’s school is being recognized as a Blue Ribbon School down in Washington DC today.

(As a side note, I gave her clear directions to shake his hand and then punch Arne Duncan straight in the face…I’m fairly certain she will let me down in this respect.)

In all other respects, I could not be more proud of Big Mama.  (She totally digs her nick name by the way.)  (Sarcasm police!)  She was chosen to represent her school alongside her principal because many of her fellow teachers feel that her work, both with students and teachers, is largely responsible for setting the bar so high.  She is an example to everyone she works with and works harder than most people I know.

How lovely to think that today there are teachers and schools actually being recognized for the good that they do, rather than demonized for many things that are beyond their control.

(Visited 25 times, 1 visits today)
  • My school is being recognized today too!!! Congrats to her and how awesome that she can be there!

    November 15, 2011 at 4:51 pm
  • Congratulations Big Momma Mimi!! And to all of those recognized today! It is a great day indeed 🙂

    November 16, 2011 at 2:07 pm
  • Congrads to Big Mama Mimi, and all of her rock star colleagues!

    November 16, 2011 at 2:07 pm
  • What a huge honor! That is very exciting. Congratulations to your Big Mama! 😉

    November 16, 2011 at 2:07 pm
  • Congrats! Very awesome…

    I know many cape-wearing superhero teachers. Many of them don't get recognized nearly enough but they still keep doing what they do best in the classroom. I wish I could give blue ribbons to all of them!

    November 17, 2011 at 2:53 am

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