Happy Teacher Appreciation WEEK!

That’s right, baby, it’s a WHOLE WEEK! 

Friends, this is a day…actually it’s more like an entire concept that I have struggled with for years.  Let’s see, there have been the times when I’ve been snubbed at Staples.  The times when the school in which I worked refused to acknowledge or appreciate anything or ANYONE.  Oh, THE TIMES!

And, as always, there were the times when my friends literally saved me.  Showed me that what I do everyday is absolutely worth all the sweat, sacrifice and holding of urine.  I think that’s what keeps us all coming back for more.  Year after year.  After year.  After.  Year.

Suddenly I feel as if I need to take a nap…

I think this year, more than any other year, it is hard for us teachers to feel appreciated.  I mean, those fingers that are pointing right at us aren’t exactly indicating our genius.  They aren’t pointing out our hard work.  They aren’t pointing out how we rock endlessly while we simultaneously endure the grueling reality of today’s classroom which is dominated by standardized testing and various attempts to control our work. 

No, no, no.

Lately, those fingers are filled with blame.  Guilt.  Scape goating.  Excuses.  Bullet dodging.

And to those fingers, may I offer another finger?

Ranting was not the point of today’s blog.  (I know!  Kind of refreshing, right?)   
The point of today’s blog is to get the ball rolling with how the heck we are going to appreciate one another.  I’m talking, appreciate the shit out of each other!

Because someone has to, right?

I’ve been lucky enough to work with some AMAZING Super Colleagues.  Some of whom were so amazing that they went out of their way to make sure they showed their appreciation to teachers.  Some examples:

One of my Super Colleagues put together little chocolate goodie bags for each teacher on our floor, had a student in her class write each teacher a thank you note and sent out little treats to show how much we are appreciated. 

Other past Super Colleagues have had their students write thank you letters and create original art for special teachers around the school.

One year, I had a male Super Colleague who brought in a rose for every teacher in the school.  Every.  Teacher.

I’ve even had one Super Colleague write a personal thank you note (from her) to each teacher who had helped her along her way.  People, we’re talking a heartfelt, specific note.  I STILL have mine tacked to the bulletin board in my home office.  It’s been there for five years. 

Does it get any better than that? 

So, my lovely readers, let’s appreciate one another this week.  Virtual hugs all around.

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  • Suggestions for what a school committee member should do?
    (Keeping in mind that it's a system serving 24,000 kids with somewhere north of 2000 teachers?)

    May 3, 2010 at 9:06 pm
  • Hmmm…first of all, you're fabulous for thinking about this and asking the question! So props for you, Tracy. I'm thinking maybe a heartfelt email? I know email can feel less personal, but when you're talking about 2000 teachers, it could go a long way. What about an email to parents reminding them to send a note of appreciation as well? Spending money doesn't have to be the way to go…


    May 3, 2010 at 9:08 pm
  • I've started writing letters to all the teachers (and a few administrators) who have helped me, encouraged me, or supported me over the last 34 years — the ones who are still here that is…

    I'm going to deliver them during the last week of school this year.

    Happy Teacher Appreciation Year 🙂

    May 3, 2010 at 11:18 pm
  • not sure if you are interested, but i am doing a teacher appreciation week over on my blog and would love to see what you think. =)

    May 4, 2010 at 11:18 am
  • Oh, I stand corrected. We are getting lunch tomorrow courtesy of our PTA. 🙂 That's pretty cool!

    May 4, 2010 at 11:18 am
  • As a member of our schools "Hospitality Committee" we spent the last 2 weeks collecting "freebies" for our teachers/staff to give away for various activities and also for this week. Although it wasn't much, a free sandwich coupon is still a free sandwich :). I'm also making cards(albeit printed from my computer but still thoughtful) for the entire teaching staff.
    Last year our PTA seemed really in to the whole Teacher Appreciation Week. This year, the push is a fundraiser activity. At least it was only day 1…perhaps there will be something from someone by the end of the week. I don't expect it though.

    May 4, 2010 at 11:18 am
  • Except that they don't all read their email (it's in contract negotiations). But yes.
    My kids' teachers are getting roses, at the insistance of the first grader. 🙂

    May 4, 2010 at 11:18 am
  • I don't know. This year kind of broke me, I think.

    I'm weighing my options for other jobs, other schools, other career options.

    I get a lot of appreciation from my middle and high schools students and I truly love them. My school is pretty borked, though.

    May 4, 2010 at 11:18 am
  • Every year since I started teaching my students have always taken time to write appreciation letters to teachers (even sent to Mexico) that I send out to the recipients. My 8th graders hand delivered the ones at the school today and were so thrilled and shocked when the teacher started crying! How empowering for these kids!

    May 5, 2010 at 2:27 pm
  • I appreciate YOU – Mrs Mimi!!!
    Thanks for being a teacher to me.

    May 5, 2010 at 2:27 pm
  • Ugh, teacher appreciation week consisted of me getting laid off yesterday (and 17 other teachers + 30 paras). 🙁

    May 7, 2010 at 11:26 am

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