Lists, Lists, Lists and More Lists
Yesterday, as I began to think about how the hell I am going to post everyday (and then maybe spent some time with other rantings such as, “What am I, insane?” or “Who wants to read me EVERY DAY anyway?” and “What have I done?”), you might have guessed that my thinking would lead to list making. If you did guess this, two points for you! You’ve been paying attention. If I had a virtual smelly sticker, it would be yours. (The coolest teachers always do scratch-n-sniff. Or at least that is what I told myself as I gave them out.)
I spent several minutes brainstorming (in a list-like fashion) and then broke that list down into several sub-lists. Finally, I felt like I had a handle on some ideas for at least 5 of my 31 promised posts. (THIRTY ONE.) There was some fist pumping, followed by this conversation:
Mr. Mimi: What are you so excited about?
Me: (Still fist pumping and maybe, just maybe high-fiving the cat.) I just made a list of ideas for some of my January posts. See?
Mr. Mimi: (Taking list. As I pass it to him, I take a moment to admire the color-coded-ness of it.) You made a list? And then a list of lists with, what is this? A subset of lists?
Me: (Beaming with pride.) Yes. Isn’t it awesome?
Mr. Mimi: ???
I took his silence for admiration.
Basically what I have decided is that each glorious Friday in the month of January, I will titillate you with a list of some of my most popular (or BEST….sticking with that January NaBloPoMo theme) posts ever. (I will pause for your gasps of excitement, cheers or other assorted praise here.)
And GO!
For my very first list of the best, I have created a list of your favorite posts about…my obsession with all things organization. It only seemed appropriate what with all the list making. (I decided which ones were your favorites by choosing those with the most comments. Comments are a bloggers best friend. We also like diamonds, but those are harder to post.)
(Drum roll, please….) Without further ado (and because this introduction has been long enough), I present THE BEST AND MOST ORGANIZATIONALLY NERDY POSTS OF ALL TIME:
1. And Visions of Dollar Signs Danced In My Head – Ah yes, my annual back-to-school trip to Staples. So many emotions. So many organizational supplies.
2. Taking The Plunge – Much to your surprise, Mrs. Mimi has very rarely had to go into the school during the summer. I know, that’s insane and very un-teacherly. Last year though, I went in and got organized early. It was kind of awesome.
3. Listy Listerstein Part Deux – I think this may have been one of my proudest organizational moments. For reals. In a moment of insanity, I carted EVERY SINGLE ONE of my books home (have I mentioned my obsession with children’s books lately?), sorted them into various categories and created the most amazing and comprehensive spreadsheet you ever did see. People speak of it in legend…
4. Does This Make Me A School Supplies Pimp? – Oh man, do I heart a good school supply innovation. The no-cap dry erase marker revolution of 2009 rocked my world. ROCKED. IT.
5. Listy Listerstein – Clearly, I have an issue with coming up with original titles. That aside, one summer I literally rendered myself catatonic with the sheer massiveness of my Summer To Do List. Is putting every personal errand and need off until the months of July and August a teacher thing?
6. When Do the Innovations Stop? – This post is my personal organizational favorite because it brings me back to that glorious day when my pen-carrying ways were forever changed. Since that very day, I have had a Sharpie No Bleed Fine Tip pen on my person at all times. ALL TIMES.
Okay, my friends, that is all for now. Post number one? Check! I can cross that one off my list. And we all know how satisfying that can be.
(Oh, and because I heart comments, feel free to share your favorite organizational moment with us too…we want to hear about you at your organizational BEST.) (Man, am I good at beating a theme to death.) (Let your 2010 list making begin!)
Do you like the fine tipped or wide tipped sharpies? I just love all the colors!!
Janet Nordfors
I want cap-free (click) sharpies! I have the highlighters which I hoard in my desk and I do not allow the students to use them because I have a supply of the capped highlighters that should last into the next decade. When do you start your summer "to-do" list. This year mine started in the first week of school. Oy!
I bought myself three packages of Sharpie fine tipped pens in multiple colors. Considering I was teaching 1st grade, I'm curious as to WHERE all of them went!? I have two left…pens, not packages. Makes me sad…
I heart scratch-n-sniff stickers too. One thing I have learned though is that you should not give them to students in something like a journal or notebook you use regularly. The next time you get that notebook out to use and they see the scratch-n-sniff, you have lost them all for the remainder of the lesson. I reserve scratch-n-sniff for papers that I know are going HOME.
I always put "make list" on the top of my to do lists so that I can immediately cross something off. Ahhh.
Best of luck organizing all that dissertation data this year, missy!!!
I admire your efforts. I see the ladies around me at school feverishly making lists and crossing things off… I just don't even attempt to be organized. I think it adds to my charm. 🙂
The Millers
I started using the calendar application on my phone about two months ago. That's very organized for me. Now I no longer run into my colleagues mass-migrating to the library only to ask, "Is there a meeting today?"
List making….glorious list making! I'm glad to know my husband is not the only husband who does not understand the beauty of a well organized list! I'm not sure I would know how to begin my day without my trusty to-do list. ((In all fairness, list probably needs to be plural. After all, we are (of course!) talking about a list for my classroom, home, husband, etc.!))
Melissa E.
You must be the best list-maker ever. I am a teacher, too, and I make lists. However, my problem is that I lose the lists. I find them later and notice that I hardly finished anything on the list. Sigh. Lately I've been emailing myself lists, but then I get 47 irrelevant emails, and my list gets pushed to the bottom and I forget about the list.
Should I make a list of how not to lose my lists? Or maybe I am just not worthy of being a list person.
I'm so excited you'll be posting everyday! You have my complete agreement about lists and scratch-n-sniff stickers. Congratulations on your pregnancy :)! If you're looking for blog ideas, I'd love to hear more about how you're doing with baby!
I swear to G-O-D that you are my friend, Jodi. Do you have a double life in WI?
Keep it coming! I snort out loud at least once a post.
Urban School Teacher
I must confess to being a list maker too- it really helps! Good luck with 31 posts this month.
ps: Enter the competition on my blog for the chance to win $5,000.
Are you a virgo?
I'm married to one and this is sounding familiar.