Curly Reigns Supreme

And we’re back. The arts-and-farts portion (a.k.a. hardcore decoration of classroom) of the program are over and I have a crowd of potential new friends. I say “potential” because I have a (nasty?) habit of not totally vibing with my new class until November-ish. I have never been the teacher who runs home after the first day exclaiming, “They are SO cute!” I mean, they might be cute, but whatever. I am still totally in love with my friends from last year and need to mourn the loss a bit. Plus, re-explaining my routines, the rules, etc gets to be a tad much.

Speaking of my friends from last year, I have a story that will warm your little hearts. Rarely do I promote non-complaining, so enjoy it. Today, as I was yet again explaining our morning routines (somebody just poke me in the eye…), Curly bursts in my classroom door. My heart is literally singing with joy at the sight of all his curls.

Now let’s back up a moment. At the end of the year last year, Curly’s mom told me that he would be leaving early to go spend the summer with his grandparents in a warm tropical location. I was sad (this kid was/is amazing), but jotted down the date so I could say good bye. He ended up leaving two days ahead of schedule and no one got to say goodbye. Needless to say, I was more sad than I care to admit. Plus, he never returned his book baggie….or the ten books inside it.

OK, back to the present:


Him: (running to hug me) “Hi Mrs. Mimi! I missed you!!”

Me: “I miss you too! How are you?” (Clearly I don’t care that I am in the middle of teaching….nor do I notice all my current students sitting with their mouths agape, most likely marveling that I can be this nice…I mean, it is the start of a new year and I am doing my fair share of whip cracking.)

Him: “I left early last year and never got to give this back to you.” (He holds out his old book baggie…with all ten books still inside.)

Me : (restraining myself from crying) “Oh, Curly…You are such a good boy! Thank you!”

Him: “It’s nothing. I’ve read those books, like a hundred times now!”

And with that, he hugged me and ran out of the room.

Being the professional that I am, I turned to the new child sitting in Curly’s old seat and told him he had big shoes to fill. We’ll see how the new batch turns out….

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