Why I Stay In Teaching

Or…How One Small Child’s Comment Can Erase All The Complaining

So, I recognize that a majority of my blog content is related to complaining. And I’m OK with that. It is my little way of getting out (my husband says “thank you” to all my readers by the way) and making it funny so I don’t threaten to poke myself in the eye on a regular basis. I am excited about blogging my way through next year…that place is ripe with crazy amounts of material!!!

Despite all my b*tching…this much sweeter moment has always stood out for me.

One day my class was in computer lab (you know, that place with the “teacher” who IMs all day and when you come in with your class at the scheduled time he looks at you like and for a moment you are convinced that he no idea what he is supposed to do next). My little friends were eagerly cutting and pasting away, working on an activity that the computer lab “teacher” designed and was grossly over their heads. I choose my battles.

Anyway, they are doing much better than I thought they would when I walk over to the computer of one small girl I have nicknamed Mi Cacahuate (translation – my little peanut…please excuse any spelling error I may have made with that word). She turns around in her wheely chair and looks at me with big brown eyes. An excited smile is on her face and her little curls are blowing the insanely high air conditioning. She reaches out, grabs my hand and says:

“Look Mrs. Mimi., I’m learning!!”

Then she eagerly turned back to her computer to get back to work.

Is your heart melting too?

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  • That’s awesome!

    One of my favorite students, not for her achievement but for her sweetness, used to say “thank you” at the end of every class period as she left for the next class.

    Those kids just make my day better!

    August 13, 2007 at 3:36 pm
  • I know! I had her three years ago and she still makes me smile when I pass by her in the hallway…

    August 13, 2007 at 5:28 pm
  • ohhhh… that is so sweet!
    Your site alwasys gives me a laugh.. so at least know that someone out there is gett’n’ some giggles!
    I hope that your year is a great one!! Thanks for all the comments on mine!

    August 14, 2007 at 9:59 pm
  • ohmigawd, that is too cute!

    but i like the b*tching too…makes a girl feel better.

    August 14, 2007 at 11:54 pm
  • hiya! found your blog today. i laughed so hard at it i bookmarked it and brought my non-teacher husband in to read the poo and cockroach stories! big laughs all around. the poo story reminds me why i could never teach elementary school. at least middle schoolers don’t poop their pants. and if they do, well, it’s not my problem.

    August 15, 2007 at 2:49 am
  • Thanks for reading!!

    I hope everyone has a great school year too!!


    August 15, 2007 at 11:54 am

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