Avery Giveaway Winner….

…can I have a drumroll please?

The winner of the Avery school supplies giveaway is lucky # 19!!

Congratulations to MarieMent!!!  MarieMent, email me (at itsnotallflowersandsausages at gmail dot come) and I’ll make sure your prize is sent out to you.
Everyone else – thanks as always for reading and entering!  I was totes overwhelmed by the response and will do my best to dig around for others willing to donate a giveaway to our cause.  
Just because I’m an Uber Nerd, I whipped out my fave Sharpie and compiled a bit of a listy poo of what you feel are your most necessary school supplies.  I mean, did you really expect me to pass up this chance to make a color coded list of office supplies??  YOU GUYS TOTALLY KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT!
Here’s the scoop- according to you, my dear readers, these are the top 20 MUST HAVE school supplies for 2011:
20.  Bins, jars, crates and all things storage
19.  Glue sticks
18.  Stickers
17.  Construction paper
16.  Binders (and all things created to organize said binders) (*chills*)
15.  Colored pencils
14.  2-pocket folders
13.  Lesson planner and/or teacher notebook
12.  Note cards or index cards
11.  Crayons (Crayola only, please)
10.  Notebooks (although there is a great divide between the Spiral Notebook peeps and the Composition Notebook peeps…do I smell a Sharks and Jets number?)
9.  Packing tape
8.  Markers (Mr. Sketch is a popular man…)
7.  Name tags/ labels
6.  Pencils (Ticonderoga #2 only)
5.  Clorox wipes
4.  Dry erase markers
3.  Fabulous teacher pens (Flair, gel, clicky…whatever gets you going!)
2.  Post It notes of all shapes, sizes and colors
And, the most popular school supply, the thing we simply cannot live without, the item we fork over our hard earned and too few dollars for??
You guessed it.
1. SHARPIES!!!!  
I knew our connection was solid.  I’ve never been so proud.  
Enjoy your Tuesdays, my lovelies!  (And to my NYC peeps – a special shout out to you as you go back to where the magic happens…)
(Visited 13 times, 1 visits today)
  • Sharpies, sharpies, sharpies. Key.

    September 7, 2011 at 2:53 am
  • I am going to have to go against the Ticonderoga folks and put in a word for my beloved .05 mechanicals 🙂

    September 7, 2011 at 2:53 am
  • Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I'm emailing you RIGHT NOW. Thank you so much!

    September 7, 2011 at 2:53 am

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